
Watching it click

Watching it click

With WordCamp Vegas less than two weeks away, it’s pretty much on my mind 24/7 at this point. Just making sure I’ve got all the details sorted out, food and shirts ordered, schedule sorted… It can be a bit overwhelming. But there’s only so many times you can go over a list of tasks, right?…

Peaks and Valleys

Peaks and Valleys

On my company site, we get a fair number of people filling out our contact form looking for help with a project. Believe me, I consider ourselves very lucky to be in a profession where there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of work. As the forms come in, we do our best to review…

That helpless feeling

That helpless feeling

I’m a doer. It’s probably why I have such a hard time handing off tasks that should be done by other people. An email will come in with a small task and instead of forwarding it over for somebody else to take care of, I’ll either stop what I’m doing and take care of it…