
New Plugin: Set Sort Order

New Plugin: Set Sort Order

While working on a client project, I added a few custom post types and a custom taxonomy to each. Once the client started adding content to the site, he asked, “How do I sort the order of the items on the page?” This should have been a simple request. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. After…

How I stopped Gravity Forms from performing 1,500 queries per page

How I stopped Gravity Forms from performing 1,500 queries per page

For the past two years, I’ve been working with to build an online platform where clinicians earn continuing education credits through live and on-demand classes. When we started out, we used many off-the-shelf plugins, and over time we’ve written and rewritten tons of custom functionality. One plugin that has been a staple the entire…

WordPress Webinar Series

WordPress Webinar Series

If you ask any WordPress enthusiast why they like WordPress, you’re likely to hear “because it’s so easy.” It’s a response I’ve given many times myself. Aside from being easy to use, WordPress is powerful, flexible, and people use it in a myriad of ways. So if we’re being totally honest, WordPress is one complicated…

Git + MAMP + SiteGround

Git + MAMP + SiteGround

For too long now I have put off the chore of getting my local development environment set up in a way that would allow me to use Git to push my code directly to SiteGround. I had tried in the past but always ended up hitting a stumbling block somewhere along the way. There is…