
10 business blogging tips

Earlier today I took part in a panel discussion at an IABCLV (International Association of Business Communicators/Las Vegas) luncheon. My portion of the presentation was focused on blogging for your business. After the event I was asked if my list of tips would be available online. Hey now, that’s not a bad idea! I wanted…

Today, we work on us

I’m sure you’ve heard the proverb “The shoemaker’s children are often shoeless”, right? When you are running a service based business, it’s inevitable; you are going to wake up one day and realize that everything about your business is out of date. Your website has 6 month old pricing, your brochures have photos of products…

No new ideas Thursdays

I just finished watching this Ted talk given by Jason Fried (co-founder of 37signals) titled; Why work doesn’t happen at work. This talk really hit home. For the final couple of years at my previous job we had enough meetings to make sure that it would be virtually impossible for people to get much done….